Dialogs in Modern Command Bars

A couple of weeks ago, Microsoft announced the availability of displaying dialog boxes using the Power Fx function for modern Commanding. This new functionality provides the ability to have your Modern commanding component library show custom dialog boxes that can be customized to your needs, and respond to user action with Power FX.

Collaboration enhancements in 2022 Release Plan Wave 1

Collaboration seems to have been on Microsoft’s roadmap for some time now, and with the updates to the Power Platform in the 2022 Wave 1 Release Plan, there are a few enhancements in this collaboration space for Model Driven apps. In this post, I will go over some of these enhancements and demonstrate how this functionality is used and displayed in your dataverse environment.

Modern Advanced Find in Unified Interface – 2022 Release Wave 1

The Advanced Find features in the Microsoft Dynamics and the Power Platform has gone back since the inception of the product, and not many changes have been done throughout the years. We have seen some of the plans in the last release with table level filtering, but with the upcoming release of the Power Platform 2022 Release Wave 1, the Advanced Find is getting a makeover.

2022 Wave 1 Release Power Apps Read Only Grid

In the last Power Platform Release Wave, 2021 Wave 2, Microsoft released some enhancements to the grid control that is displayed in views and subgrids. In the upcoming release, 2022 Wave 1, Microsoft has replaced this grid control with a new read-only that will be part of this release.

Embedded Canvas App Performance Enhancements

In the last few months, I have been working on a migration project for a customer from a legacy system to Dataverse, and one of the functionalities included an embedded Canvas app containing multiple screens and quite a bit of functionality. The main issue that was encountered is that within some geographical regions it was taking a longer time than expected to load the app.

Using Microsoft Multiselect Lookup in your Model Driven Apps – Part II

In the last blog post, I demonstrated how to use the Microsoft Multiselect Lookup control (similar to the Activity Party control), which was released as part of an update to Field Services to add new values to a backend many to many relationship. In this post, I am going to extend this further to show how to add and remove items from the multiselect control, and have them get updated in the relationship.

Using Microsoft Multiselect Lookup in your Model Driven Apps

Earlier last year (September timeframe), Microsoft released a Multiselect Lookup control (similar to the Activity Party control) as part of an update to Field Services. The control does not seem to be available across the entire spectrum yet, but if you have a Field Services License or an Enterprise license, you should be able to use this control across your Dataverse environment.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Unified Interface Updates – In-App Notifications

n preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new Notifications table and In-App Notifications.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Unified Interface Updates – Grid Enhancements

In preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new Power Apps Read Only grid and the column options in the grid view page.

Some of the main changes that were made to the read-only grid, both within the View page and subgrid were made in order to be in compliance with the Microsoft Accessibility Standard. Due to this some great new features have been added, but also might have caused some features to stop working as expected. We will review these below.