Sending Emails to all customers using Power Automate

Recently in the forums, there were a few questions on how to send emails to all of my customers. While there might be different options, and the right solution to this might greatly depend on the frequency that you need to be sending this as well as the number of contacts, I thought I would demonstrate a few different approaches to implement this using Microsoft Power Automate.

The Road to modern Virus Scanning

I have been working in the Government space for a few years now, and most implementations of the Dynamics and Azure tenants and environments are hosted in the Government Cloud. This means that there are a lot of restrictions that we have to deal with, not only from Microsoft but also from the internal IT policies.

Creating Outlook Events from a OneDrive Excel spreadsheet

Last Friday, while working with one of our clients on an integration issue between Dynamics and the Microsoft Exchange global address book, he asked me if there was a way for them to have automated creation of events (calendar items) in their Microsoft Outlook calendar where the source of the data was an Excel spreadsheet in OneDrive. This is a short post, but might help someone out who needs to implement this.

Integrate CDS and SQL Server with Power Automate and On-Premise Data Gateway

In a recent blog I posted a few days ago, I posted how to use Azure Service Bus and a Listener application to integrate between the Common Data Service (Dynamics 365 or Power Apps Model Driven Application) and an On Premise SQL Service database. As mentioned that there are a few easier ways to implement this, I wanted to demonstrate how easy it would be to perform similar functionality using a Microsoft Power Automate Flow that connects to the On-Premise Data Gateway

Configure Azure Service Bus to integrate between CDS and On-Premise SQL database

In this blog post I will demonstrate how to use Azure Service Bus and a Listener application to integrate between the Common Data Service (Dynamics 365 or Power Apps Model Driven Application) and an On Premise SQL Service database.

Eventbrite to CDS Integration – Part 1

In this series of posts, I will demonstrate how to integrate between Eventbrite and the Power Platform by creating a Model Driven App to store event information, Creation of Microsoft Flow to execute when a new event is created or a new order is added to an event in Eventbrite, and the creation of a Custom Connector to retrieve the event details from Eventbrite.

Eventbrite to CDS Integration – Part 2 (Eventbrite Settings)

In the second post will concentrate on the configuration of Eventbrite. We assume that you have already an Eventbrite account and you can create your own events. If you don’t have an Eventbrite account yet, this is the time to create one. You only need an email address and to set a password in order to create an Eventbrite account. Eventbrite is available as a free or paid service. Everything in this series of posts was done using the free Eventbrite account.

Eventbrite to CDS Integration – Part 3 (Custom Connector)

In the third post will create our custom connector in order to connect with Eventbrite. The custom connector will allow us to call the Eventbrite api to retrieve the required information about the Events and the Attendees that have not been provided by the Webhook.

Eventbrite to CDS Integration – Part 5 (Attendee Flow)

In this fifth post we will update the original flow that we created for when a new attendee is registered in Eventbrite. Your flow should have a couple of steps as the baseline. The steps include When a HTTP request is received, and the Initialize Variable action.

Using Flow to get the country of a website visitor

There are many tools for tracking visitors and page views to web sites, but in certain circumstances this might be something that you would want to implement on your own. It is simple enough to get the IP address of the visitor of the web site, but usually in order to get the country we need to call some sort of API. There are various API provides that can give you this information, and in the case of this blog post, I selected a provide called ipgeolocation (