Using Microsoft Multiselect Lookup in your Model Driven Apps

Earlier last year (September timeframe), Microsoft released a Multiselect Lookup control (similar to the Activity Party control) as part of an update to Field Services. The control does not seem to be available across the entire spectrum yet, but if you have a Field Services License or an Enterprise license, you should be able to use this control across your Dataverse environment.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Unified Interface Updates – In-App Notifications

n preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new Notifications table and In-App Notifications.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Unified Interface Updates – Grid Enhancements

In preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new Power Apps Read Only grid and the column options in the grid view page.

Some of the main changes that were made to the read-only grid, both within the View page and subgrid were made in order to be in compliance with the Microsoft Accessibility Standard. Due to this some great new features have been added, but also might have caused some features to stop working as expected. We will review these below.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Unified Interface Updates – Advanced Lookup

In preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new advanced lookup capabilities in the Unified Interface.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Unified Interface Updates – Edit multiple rows

In preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new editing capabilities in the Unified Interface when editing multiple records.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Maker Portal Updates – Modern Commanding

In preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new modern commanding using Power FX.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Maker Portal Updates – Converged Apps

In preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new converged apps.

Converged apps allows us to converge a Model-Driven App and a Canvas App into a single app. This does not change the ability to create standalone Canvas Apps, but only the ability to have them available in a single app. The link below details the changes that were announced at the end of July.

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Maker Portal Updates – App and SiteMap Designer

In preparation for our upcoming NYC BizApps event on October 27, 2021, and the Power Platform 2021 Wave 2 release (weekend of October 23/24), I am writing a series of blog posts related to some of the most sought after updates. In this post we will review the new app designer and sitemap designer.

Removing your Command Bar Unmanaged Active Layer in Model Driven Apps

In the last few months I have been working on upgrading the customer´s unmanaged environments to managed. The customer had been working with unmanaged environments for about 5 years, and after joining, this has been one of the first things that I determined would be needed for this customer.

Custom Page and Command Bars in Model-driven Apps

In the last few days, Microsoft made some big announcements related to new features that are not available in public preview. These are the Public Preview of Custom Pages for converging mode-driven apps and canvas apps as well as the command designer for model-driven apps with Power FX (which is still in preview).